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Q: Why did the british impose the acts?
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Why did Britain impose the stamp acts?

The British Soldiers protected the American colonists. King George III thought the colonists should help pay the army's cost.

Minister whose clever attempt to impose import taxes?

George Grenville was the British Minister who enforced the Navigation Act and passed the Sugar, Stamp, Currency, and Quartering Acts. These acts were meant to cover the expenses and debt of Britain at the expense of the American people.

Why did Britain impose the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts on the colonists?

Answer: The British wanted to assert their authority on the colonies by imposing tax on all imports to American colonies.And wanted to clam dominance over the Americans.

What did the British call the acts?

The Coercive Acts

Why did the British impose new taxes on the colonie?

British imposed new taxes in order to pay their debt. :P

What happened when the British Impose New Taxes?

men men men men

What Act did the British pass and impose on the Colonists after the Boston Tea Party?

Townshend Act

Why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after 1763?

The taxes were to help pay for the French and Indian war. They reasoned that they were protecting the colonists and the colonists were English subjects so they should help pay for the war.

In the late 1600 the british monarchy tried to impose greater control over the colonies?


What are all the british acts?

the british acts were: navagation acts the proclimation of 1763 sugar act(1764) quartering act(1765) stamp act(1765) townshend acts(1767) tea act(1773) intolerable acts(1774)