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Q: Why did the british protect the colonists?
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What did colonists do to protect british rule?

I think you are confused because it was not up to the colonists to protect British rule. It was up to the British forces.

What groups were the colonists defending and neglecting in their revolt against the British?

they wanted bats to protect

What were the two sides in the debate over British taxation of the British?

The colonists were being taxed without representation in Parliament, but the British also needed funds for their soldiers to protect the colonists from another Native American rebellion.

What were the two sides in the debate over british taxation?

The colonists were being taxed without representation in Parliament, but the British also needed funds for their soldiers to protect the colonists from another Native American rebellion.

Which slogan was used by colonists to protect british like stamp act and sugar act?

taxation N

What were the two sides in the debate over the British taxation of the colonies?

The colonists were being taxed without representation in Parliament, but the British also needed funds for their soldiers to protect the colonists from another Native American rebellion.

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The Sons of Liberty was an organization of American colonists that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies to protect the rights of the colonists and to fight taxation by the British government.

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The Albany Congress tried to find a plan to protect themselves (The Colonists and the British) from the French.

What did the king do with the olive branch petition?

The Olive Branch Petition asked the king to protect the colonists' rights.

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Why did the colonists fight of british?

The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.

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