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Because of the black coons.

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Q: Why did the carnivore dinosaur brains were larger than the herbivore dinosaur brains?
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How would the teeth of a carnivore be different from the teeth of an hebivore?

Carnivore teeth are sharp and pointy for tearing meat but herbivore teeth are larger and flatter for grinding plants up

Which is larger the carnivore or the herbivore?

30-70 tigers are bigger than deers and Elephants are bigger than ALL CARNIVORES

Was triceratops the biggest ceratopsid dinosaur?

No, not even close. It was one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs, but even then in that category it is beaten out by Spinosaurus. The largest known dinosaur was amphicoelias, a giant herbivore.

Is a bird a carnivore omnivore or a herbivore?

Small birds (sparrows) are most likely herbivore because they have small beaks for opening nuts, grain, small worms and other small pieces on the ground. Larger birds like eagles, large black birds, chickens, owls to name a few can catch and eat mice, small rodents, these are carnivore.

Is a gerbil a carnivore a herbivore or a omnivore?

Ferrets are carnivores and should only be fed meat or meat based products

How did a dinosaur escape from its enemies?

Most herbivores were very large so a carnivore would not attack it unless it was young, sickly, or separated from his/her herd. Others who did not have the size advantage usually had things like dangerous sharp horns, spikes, or armor to protect them. If a small carnivore was hunted by a larger carnivore then that is a different story. The smaller carnivore would have to quick and clever to get away.

Why is a horses jaw so big?

Simply put, overtime, the jaw grew as more and more teeth were added as the horse developed from a small carnivore to a larger herbivore who needed more and more grinding teeth (which are larger than sharp carnivore teeth). As the horse grew in size and ate different foods, the horse's jaw grew as well.

Do larger dogs have larger brains?

I'd like to think so.

What would be the predator and prey in the ecosysyste?

It depends on the ecosystem, but generally a prey is a smaller animal and one that is a herbivore (that eats plants) and the prey is a larger animals that is a carnivore (that eats meat) or omnivore (that eats plants and meat).

Which has a larger brain a monkey or an ape?

Apes are larger and more intelligent than monkeys, and they do have larger brains. I think that apes would have larder brains because arnt they bigger in size?

Would a small dinosaur prey on a larger dinosaur?

It depends on what species of dinosaur it is. Dinosaurs like Utahraptor and dromeosaurus probably hunted in packs and preyed on herbivores much larger than them like iguanadon.