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Q: Why did the casein was coagulated with rennet weigh more than the casein that was precipitated with the acid?
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It is something you weigh yourself with, or use to weigh something else. Uses of the word SCALE : 1. the units used to measure size or distance 2. the ratio of a displayed drawing or map to the actual physical size or distance 3. an instrument for determining weight 4. an accumulation of precipitated minerals, as in pipes or in aquariums

How cheese are made?

You heat milk then add an enzyme called "rennet" (or a bacterial culture equivalent). After a time the milk turns solid and you then cut it up with knives. This allows the solid to separate out into a thicker solid (the Curds) and a watery liquid (the Weigh). The curds minced up with a little salt and packed into molds where they drain of more weigh to form a solid cheese. This cheese is then either eaten young or set aside to mature into a hard cheese.

If you weigh 56 how much do you weigh in kilograms?

If you weigh 56 pounds, you weigh about 25.5 kilograms.

How many grams are in one cup of milk?

Milk has a density of between 1027 kg/cubic meter and 1033 kg/cubic meter depending on type of cow, temperature, fat content, etc. (1 027 kg) / (cubic meter) = 242.976119 grams / US cup (1 033 kg) / (cubic meter) = 244.395648 grams / US cup

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