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My own understanding, and answer to this matter, would be because the church held exclusive access to the text of Christianity, and allowed only certain people to interpret the bible. With that it caused people to fear it, and fear opposing the church. This fear of opposition was supported by the nobility in order to subdue and control the population.

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Q: Why did the church become powerful during the Middle Ages?
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Yes, the Church was very powerful during the Middle Ages.

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The catholic church.

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The study of religion was the most valued field of study in the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church was all powerful.

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The chief criticism of bishops during the Middle Ages was that they had become too powerful. They were just a level away from the princes of the church, and were therefore, very important. Even the monarchy and Holy Roman Emperor were obligated to consult with them.

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A Lord was a powerful noble

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Christian Church

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In all of Europe before the eleventh century, the Roman Church was most powerful. In 1056, the Great Schism, which had been coming to a head for hundreds of years, split the Church into the Roman Catholic Church, in the West, and the Eastern Orthodox Church, in the East, and each of these was most powerful in its own sphere.

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What was the most powerful church in in Europe during the middle kingdom and why?

If you mean during the Middle Ages, the answer is definitely the Catholic Church. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Church filled in many of the missing roles in society: military, education etc. In fact, in many ways, even the kings were subject to the authority of the Church. Some European countries became Protestant at the end of the Middle Ages, but for roughly 1,000 years Catholicism pretty much ran the show in Europe.

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The Roman catholic church during the middle ages in Europe can best be described as a church that was a stable influence. This was during a time where central governments were weaker.

Why was the church so powerful during the renaissance?

During the Renaissance, as during the Middle Ages and for several centuries to follow, the Church was one of the most powerful social and political forces in Europe because of both its wealth and its inherent authority. Even without a standing military of substance (although it could and did call upon the military power of independent nations at times), the Church was recognized by most Europeans as a God-given force with special responsibilities and privileges in this world.