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Q: Why did the colonists want occupy the hills around Charlestown?
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Are there hills in Boston?

Yes. Most notably: Beacon Hill and Bunker Hill, although the latter is in nearby Charlestown.

the city that is located on the Atlantic coast near cape cod. Near here at breed's hill and bunker hill the colonists resisted the Bristish?

Charlestown, section of Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. It is situated on a small peninsula between the estuaries of the Charles and Mystic rivers. The locality is dominated by several low hills, including the famous Bunker and Breed's hills.

Why was the battle of the bunker hill important for the colonists?

many people died the british which made the Americans fight harder.

How colonists planted corn?

The American Indian had to show the colonists how to plant these New World foods. Corn was planted in hills with pumpkins vines between the hills and beans climbing the stalks. Without this help from the natives, more colonists would have died in this new land.

What percentage of Romania is mountainous?

The Carpathians occupy about 30%, the sub-carpathian hills and Transylvania plateau another 30%

Why did the colonists want the hills surrounding Boston?

In order to force the British to evacuate the city.

Why do cities form around hills and ridges?

to use a form of farming, called terraced farming you farm around hills or slopes.

How bumpy was the land around the pueblo?

The land around the pueblo was like hills they farmed buffalo on the hills and also called them fields.

Who won breed's and bunker hills battle?

the british because the colonists ran out of gun powder and ammo and were forced to retreat

What are the names of hills around cheltenham?

There is Cleeve Hill to the east and Leckhampton and stroud hills to the south. Malvern hills are further afield to the west.

Why was the Battle of Bunker Hill important for the colonist?

The continental army learned that the British planned to occupy the unoccupyed hills(Breeds Hill and Bunker Hill) that surrounded the city Boston.

Does Rocky Mountains have beaches?

The Rocky Mountains are not in Florida. There are some hills in the center of the peninsula part of the state. There are also some hills in Tallahassee and around Crestview, but that is it.