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Q: Why did the confederate choose to ware gray for the war?
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Gray. Confederate uniforms were gray with red piping.

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Confederates= gray Union= blue

What did the Confederate soldiers look like during the Civil War?

They wore gray uniforms

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The Grey Coats were the Confederate soldiers, the pro-slavery men.

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Confederate, Johnny Reb, Reb, a Gray

What did the south ware in the Civil War?

The proper wear and design of buttons, braids, knots, spurs, gloves, sashes, swords, cravats, and neck stocks are detailed in the Confederate Regulations. Confederate naval and marine uniforms differed little from those of their Union opponents. Cadet gray was the predominant color, and, in the navy, white was accepted for summer or tropical wear.

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Southern Army (also called the Confederate Army, Rebel Army, Gray Coats).

During the US Civil War what color uniforms did the Confederate soldiers wear?

The Confederates (south) wore gray and a color called Butternut, and the Union (north) wore a blue-gray more blue then gray type of uniform.

What did civil war soldier's uniforms look like?

Confederate soldiers wore gray frocks, pants. and shoes and the Union the same, but blue. :)

What color uniforms did the south wear in civil war?

Confederate soilders wore gray or yellowish-brown uniforms.

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