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Q: Why did the congress and individual states pass preventative detention laws?
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Why did Congress and individual states pass preventative detention laws?

Congress and individual states passed preventative detention laws in response to perceived threats to national security and public safety. These laws were designed to allow for the detention of individuals who are considered a potential risk to commit future crimes, even if they have not yet been convicted. This was seen as a necessary measure to prevent potential acts of terrorism or other serious offenses before they could occur.

What are Congressional Meetings?

Although the entire legislative body is in perpetuity called the United States Congress, each individual session is also referred to as a "Congress". The current Congress is the 112th United States Congress.

What are Congressional Meetings are called?

Although the entire legislative body is in perpetuity called the United States Congress, each individual session is also referred to as a "Congress". The current Congress is the 112th United States Congress.

What could congress not under the Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not tax and it could not control or interfere with trade between the individual states.

What could congress do under the Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not tax and it could not control or interfere with trade between the individual states.

Under the Articles of Confederation what could congress?

Congress could not tax and it could not control or interfere with trade between the individual states.

How did the US govern itself between 1776 and 1789?

The United States was loosely governed by the Continental Congress during this period, but individual states had more power than the national government. After 1781, the Congress of the Confederation took over, which was itself replaced by the United States Congress in 1789.

Who votes for laws in congress-individual voters or their representatives?

Laws from Congress come from the votes of Representatives (On behalf of the People) and from the votes of the Senate (On behalf of the States).

Who made the gun license law?

For the federal laws - the US COngress. For the individual states - their state legislatures.

Articles of Confederation- monitor of postal system?

The Assembled Congress had the right to establish and monitor the postal system in individual states.

How many members are appointed to the US Tax Court?

The United States Tax Court is composed of 19 individual judges who are chosen and approved by the President of the United States and the United States Congress.

What 5 things can Congress not do?

they cannot make laws for individual states They House of Representatives do not appoint or approve Supreme Court Justices.