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Q: Why did the continental army switch to guerrilla style warfare?
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What was guerrilla style warfare like?

Cannibalistic savages

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guerrilla warfare

Civil war fighting styles?

guerrilla warfare was the main style

What was the war style was used in the Vietnam war?

I'm pretty sure it was guerrilla warfare.

What is the guerrilla style of warfare?

Guerrilla warfare consists of people who are not highly trained generally. They tend to hide and come at their opponents in surprise, rather than facing them head on.

Describe the guerrilla style of warfare?

Operating in secrecy, planting IED's or burning the enemy supplies, blowing up bridges and railroads that the enemy can use.

How was the Korean similar to World War I in the style of battle?

It wasn't. World War 1 was slow trench warfare with clearly defined fronts, while the Korean war was full of guerrilla warfare and had o defined front at all.

What is the difference between guerrilla style warfare and European style warfare?

European style warfare is when the army stands in one big line with row after row of soldier. The first row fires and then ducks down to reload while the row behind them fires and so on. Guerrilla warfare is more adaptable and allows the soldiers to take cover and flank more easily. They can seek out enemy weakpoints.

What was Hitler's new style of warfare called?

What was Hitler's new "style" of warfare called

What does Guerrilla warfare have to do with napoleon?

The Napoleonic Wars were during the period from 1800 to 1815. During that time, Napoleon conquered many nations and fought on their territory. Sometimes the local population would strike back against the French occupation forces. This occurred in Spain and Russia. During Napoleon's retreat from Moscow, the cossack troops harrassed the retreating soldiers by attacking the stragglers. This was typical style of combat for guerrilla warfare.

What was the new style of warfare that developed in Europe?

Trench warfare.