

Why did the convicts move from Britain?

Updated: 10/31/2021
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13y ago

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Simple......Britain don't want them or they don't want Britain

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Thomas Wang

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Q: Why did the convicts move from Britain?
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Where did Britain transport its convicts before 1775?

Before 1775, Great Britain sent its convicts to parts of North America and the West Indies.

Did people move to Australia in 1788 and 1850 against their will?

Yes, at this time Australia was a British penal colony. Britain shipped convicts/criminals to Australia.

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a punishment for convicts as Britain had no where else to put them

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Was the colony in Maine stocked with convicts?

Some were. Britain sent about 50,000 convicts to the New World under the guise of indentured servitude.

Why was Australia used as a jail?

1. America wouldn't accept any more convicts from Britain 2. Britain wanted to get rid of the convicts and lower-class people 3. Britain wanted to spread colonialism further and set up colonies to supply Britain with raw materials.

What group of people was brought from great Britain to live in Australia?

Convicts, vagabonds.. but primarily convicts, as Australia was originally used as a penal colony.

Where could Britain no longer send convicts after losing the American Revolution?

GEORGIA (US STATE) was the prior destination where British convicts would be sent. After the American Revolution this was no longer viable because Georgia was part of the newly sovereign United States. This resulted in Britain sending their convicts to Australia.

How are Australia and England related even though they are not neighbors?

Great Britain originally colonised Australia with convicts. Thus, Australia was founded by convicts, marines and officers from England.

What is Australia's historical relationship to Britain?

Australia was one of Britain's colonies. The first white people to settle in Astralia were British convicts in 1788 or so.

Were there Convicts in the US?

Convicts were indeed sent to North America. Following the American War of Independence, North America was no longer a viable place for Britain to send convicts. this was one of the factors which led to New South Wales being settled as a penal colony.

When did the transportation of convicts to Australia end?

Western Australia was the last of the states to have convicts. The last convict ship to Western Australia, the Hougoumont, left Britain in 1867 and arrived in Western Australia on 10 January 1868. Transportation of convicts to Australia ceased after this.