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During WWII, Britain made two promises in its search for allies. One, it promised the Palestinians that if they joined them and overthrew the Ottoman Turks, they'd be given their own country. Two, Britain promised the Zionists that if they joined their cause, a Jewish homeland would be created for them.

After the war, Britain found itself between a rock and a hard place. To compromise, Britain partitioned the land. That is, they split the land in two and gave the western half to the Zionists and the eastern half to the Palestinians.

Needless to the say, this didn't fly well, and ever since, the Palestinians and the Israelis have been fighting for the land.

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Because so many of the neighbors got upset with the idea of so many Jews living

so close to them, and decided to take matters into their own hands and put the

uppity Jews back in their place. After 65 years, they're still working on it.

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Q: Why did the creation of the state of Israel lead to a conflict in the middle east?
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What is the Advantages and disadvantages of the creation of the state of Israel?

The advantages of the creation of the state of Israel are first, that there is a country to which Jews may flee when they are victims of anti-Semitism, and second, that Jews who live in Israel will be satisfied that they are fulfilling a religious obligation to live in the specific land that was given to the Jews by God (according to the Torah). The disadvantages of the creation of the state of Israel are that this has created a conflict between the Israeli Jews and the Muslims in the middle east, who believe that Israel, formerly known as Palestine, was stolen from them by the Jews, and that Muslims are the ones who are religiously obligated to live there, not the Jews; in addition, the Arab-Israeli conflict has damaged relations between all the nations allied to Israel and all the nations seeking to destroy Israel, and this hostility is a fundamental source of international terrorism and the various wars that have resulted from that terrorism.

What was the Abraham-Israel conflict?

There is no such conflict. Abraham and his grandson Israel were never in conflict according to the Bible. There is also no conflict between the patriarch Abraham and the Modern State of Israel.

Who opposed the creation of the State of Israel?

The Arabs and the Palestinians.

How did Zionism create conflict in the Middle East?

Zionism is certainly one of the causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. It is not the only cause of the conflict and is also not the most important cause of the conflict. Zionism is responsible for the existence of the State of Israel since Zionism was the Jewish Nationalist movement to establish a Jewish State in the Land of Israel. Without Israel, there would be no Arab-Israeli conflict. However, it is worth noting that while Zionism is a base cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict, numerous other far more lethal conflicts (like the Iran-Iraq War) have nothing to do with Israel.

What political movement led to the creation of Israel in southwest Asia in 1948?

ZIONISM, the Jewish Nationalist Movement, led to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

Was the creation of the State of Israel a smooth transition?

It was not and has continued to not be a "smooth transition". Jewish and Arab Militias attacked the British and each other throughout the later Mandate Period and it blossomed into international conflict with the Declaration of the State of Israel when 7 other Arab Nations committed their armies to eradicating the Jewish State.

Where did the conflict concerning the Birth of Israel take place?

This conflict, surprisingly enough, took place in what would become the territory of the State of Israel.

Why is there conflict today over the state of Israel?

Because of religious reasons.

Where did the Arab-Israeli Conflict occur?

It occurred in the State of Israel and its environs.

What is the main source of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinian's?

Answer 1The main source of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians involves property. Largely, this is not a religious conflict but one about Israel acquiring as much land as possible, even in the Palestinian territories.Answer 2Israel's existence as a Jewish state in the Middle East.Please note that there are multiple sources for the conflict and more can be read at the Related Question below.

What is the main source of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians?

Answer 1The main source of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians involves property. Largely, this is not a religious conflict but one about Israel acquiring as much land as possible, even in the Palestinian territories.Answer 2Israel's existence as a Jewish state in the Middle East.Please note that there are multiple sources for the conflict and more can be read at the Related Question below.

Which modern Middle Eastern country was created in 1948?

The Jewish State of Israel.