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As far as i know, this happens to all parakeets, not just females. The stripes disappear because your parakeet is getting older. It's kind of like when a fawn looses the whites spots on his back. It's perfectly normal and there is no problem. :)

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Q: Why did the female parakeets feathers grow in a different color on the top of the head after molting?
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The only 2 reasons your parrot loses feathers is by molting or if it's in distress. Some birds may experience severe molting, but it is uncommon. If the parrot is in distress it can be for a variety of reasons that she is plucking. See an avian vet for solutions or visit an avian specialty store for over the counter products that may help.

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How can you tell how paraketts are male or female?

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Do male parakeets chirp a lot?

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How do you tell male from female on parakeets?

By there noses. A males nose is blue. A female is pink or a light peach

Can a female parakeet nose turn blue?

I don't think so. I read that adult female parakeets noses are brown and that adult male parakeets noses are blue. But, young female parakeet's noses are "bluish" and a young male parakeet's nose is pink.

What are the blue dots on the side of my female yellow Parakeets face?

that's normal