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The framers of the constitution wanted a leader to be elected by the people, so that the people chose who the best candidate is for their needs, and that way their needs are met and everything is run smoothly and justly without having a tyranical ruler as the king of england (remember, unfair rule is the reason america was established, a group of individuals were unhappy with the unfair rule they had to abide by, so they left and fought and made their own, then other people from other countries came over because they had the same problem, I am a U.S. citizen, born and raised so do not think I am being negative when I say this, but The United States is a nation of immigrants who all joined together to pursue a common goal that would solve their common problems).

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Q: Why did the framers of the constitution decide to create a republic consisting of a presidential system instead of a parliamentary system?
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What type of governments have the neighbouring countries of India?

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Is china parliamentary or presidential?

The United Kingdom has a parliamentary system.

Is Mexico parliamentary or presidential?

Mexico is a federal presidential representative republic. This means the president is both head of government and head of state, resulting in no parliament and no prime minister.

France's type of government?

The government of the French Republic is a semi-presidential system determined by the French Constitution of the fifth Republic. The nation declares itself to be an "indivisible, secular, democratic, and social Republic.

How long does a president serve in a parliamentary republic?

In a parliamentary republic, the president typically serves a fixed term, which is usually around 4 to 7 years depending on the country's constitution. The president's term may also be renewable depending on the specific rules and regulations of that country.

Who is the leader of the presidential democracy?

The head of the government of a democratic country is usually either the President or Prime Minister depending on whether it is a Presidential Republic or a Parliamentary Democracy.

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A parliamentary republic.