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Q: Why did the hijackers attack the US on September 11th?
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General Musharaf bowed down in American steps , and there was a U- turn in all policies.

Who were the terrorists in the September 11th terrorist attack?

One of the terrorists who was the mastermind got killed by The US Navy Seals, his name is Osama Bin Laden.

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August 29th - September 11th

The September 11th terrorist attacks led to the joint US UK invasions of what?

The September 11th terror attacks caused the USA, UK and NATO to declare absolute war on global terrorism. As a result, shortly after the attack, Afghanistan was invaded by the USA, UK and NATO for harbouring terrorists and sheltering the terror group responsible for the attacks.

In what two countries has the US fought in since September 11th 2001?

Iraq and Afghanistan.

What does the taliban have to do with the US?

The taliban crashed planes into the world trade centers on September 11th. Thus, the United States is after them and trying to find the taliban leader Osama Bin Ladin because he is the one who organized the attack.

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September 11

Who was leader of the terrorist group that attacked the US on September 11th 2001?

Osama bin laden

When did al queda attack the us?

September 11, 2001

What year did terrorists attack the US on September 11?

In 2001.

When is US rugby games?

September 11th, 15th, 23rd, 27th in New Zealand times so... :)