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The land had run out at home.

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Q: Why did the homesteaders move to the Great Plains?
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What did homesteaders faced on the great plains?

not a nuf land

What was life for homesteaders on the great plains?

farming and building houses

Were most of the new settlers who established farms on the Great Plains farmers?

they were homesteaders. not farmers.

True or False Most of the new settlers who established farms on the Great Plains were Homesteaders?

No, They were farmers.

The Homestead Act of 1862 opened the Great Plains to settlement. What did the settlers do when farming became too difficult?

Homesteaders lived in the Great Plains area.

What lives in the Great Plains?

What lives in the plains are Indians. Today homesteaders live there, also Buffalo or Bison, lions, squirrels, moths, butterflies.

What factors brought settler's to the plains?

Homesteaders came to the Plains to own land and be independent. They were also swayed by advertising paid for by railroads, steamship companies, and western states and territories.why did the sletter come to the great plains and what did they do in the great plains?

Who were the most successful homesteaders?

The most successful were the people who didn't die and were able to create a life on the Great Plains.

. Homesteaders on the plains usually built homes of?


What at best describes life for homesteaders on the plains?

Isolated and hard

What hardships did the homesteaders face on the great plains?

They faced all of kinds of problems Hostile Indian,drought,and criminals to name three problems

Why did settler on the great plains give up and move?

The settlers on the Great Plains gave up and moved because they wanted to explore. They could not thrive in the Great Plains.