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they are full of big egos and doesn't care that much b'cause they can find another girl b'cause they are hot.

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Q: Why did the hot boys break up?
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How do you get a picture of a hot boy?

look up on google "hot boys"

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Because they are a-holes!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Green Mountain Boys broke up in 1885, right after the Revolutionary War ended...

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Due to interference from third parties.

What if your boyfriend found out you think someone else is hot and now he wants to break up with you what do you do?

well its not your fault if you think someone else is hot. we cant help it. but if he wants to break up because you think someone else is hot then he id a bad boyfriend and you should break up with him.

Did Beastie Boys break up?

the Beastie Boys haven't broken up yet. but in light of Adam Yauch (MCA) it will most likely happen

Why won't my boyfriend break up with me?

because your probably hot

How do teen aged boys break up with girls?

Where I come from they are pretty blunt about it.

Why are boys afraid to show their girlfriend to their friends?

because boys know when they break up their "freinds" will automatically go after the girl.

Why do all the hot boys always have horrible personalities?

Physical appearance does not dictate personality traits. It is important to look beyond someone's looks and get to know them as a whole person before making assumptions about their personality. Attraction is subjective, and it's possible to find someone attractive both physically and emotionally.

Did the Friday night boys break up?

Yes they said they broke up.. October 8 2010

Did the fall out boys split up?

Fall Out Boy and no, they are taking a break Ur wrong, they hv split up