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Q: Why did the israelites need to us unleavened bread?
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What is the function of yeast and why is it important to us?

Yeast makes bread rise so it isn't unleavened

What is a Holy Comunnion?

It is the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) supper and we are told to break unleavened bread and have wine in remembrance of his sacrifice for us.

Why on other nights we eat bread but on this night we don't eat bread?

Because when the Jews let Egypt, they left in haste, and as story tells us, they carried their dough on their backs through the desert, where it baked into unleavened bread. So during Passover, we only eat unleavened bread as a reminder of this. The Torah contains a Divine commandment to eat matzo, specifically, on the first night of Passover and to eat only unleavened bread (in practice, matzo) during the entire week of Passover. Hope this helps!

What scripture tells us why Jesus gave us unleavened bread for Passover day?

the bread was unleavened because fleeing Egypt they did not have enough time to let the dough rise before baking it.That's why its called UNleavened breadAs they were expelled from Egypt they put their bread in sacks and it baked on their backs as they walked across the desert.

Why do Jews not eat leaven during pesach?

The slaves in Egypt did not have enough time to make leavened bread. As a result, Jews eat unleavened bread (called Matzah or מצה) during Passover. The rest of the year, Jews eat leavened bread like everyone else.

What did the unleavened bread of the Passover symbolize to the Israelites?

Unleavened Bread symbolizes "Jesus Christ" -- the Pure Unembellished WORD... Truth... of God. The WORD which "proceedeth out of the mouth of God" whereby "A MAN MIGHT LIVE FOREVER.""...It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on EVERY WORD that comes from the mouth of God.'" (Matt.4:4 & Deut.8:3 NIV)"Jesus said to them, 'I tell you the Truth, it is not Moses who has given you the Bread from heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the True Bread from heaven... I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty." (John 6:32-35 NIV)With Jesus' coming, the first time... He has "stripped away" the seals of "spiritual blindness" that prevailed over the scriptures... "opened" the "closed" meaning of God's Truth that has escaped man's understanding -- and has ILLUMINATED the Scriptures "to those who don't doubt"... and "believe" what the Bible says."...Go your way, Daniel, because the Words are closed upand sealed until THE TIME OF THE END... None of the wicked will understand, but THOSE WHO ARE WISE will Understand." (Dan.12:9-10 NIV)"The FEAR OF THE LORD is the beginning of WISDOM[the foundation of becoming wise]..." (Prov.9:10). [Of course, the wicked won't understand God's Word -- His Unleavened Bread -- the wicked neither fear the Lord, nor "believe" in Him]A man's faith and belief in the Unleavened Bread of God has the Word of God ILLUMINATED for him by God's "LIGHT.""...I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life.'" (John 8:12 NIV)The Unleavened Bread of God's Word is the "spiritual counterpart" to the sustenance and Eternal Life of our spirit, as the physical bread we consume in our bodies that sustains our temporal, mortal bodies and lives.The Unleavened Bread of God [the Bible; the inspired, spiritual, Life-giving Words of God] is SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT FOR THE SPIRIT IN US. We "consume" it with our eyes, ears, heart and mind. We "chew on it" awhile; mull it over in our mind... and "digest" what it's saying to us -- which results in the Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding of God imparted to us and becoming the Child of God into which we are developing.And, like the physical bread we eat that BECOMES what we are, physically [for, "you are what you eat," as the truthful saying goes] -- the nourishing, spirit-sustaining Unleavened Bread of God BECOMES: the New Child of God within us that's growing and developing in Righteous, Godly Character, that shall inherit Eternal Life through Jesus Christ."The Spirit gives Life; the flesh counts for nothing. The Words I have spoken to you ARE SPIRIT and THEY ARE LIFE." (John 6:63 NIV)The Unleavened Bread of God... is the Bible. The Words of the WORD of God, Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life."You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess Eternal Life. These are the Scriptures that TESTIFY ABOUT ME, yet you refuse to come to Me to have Life." (John 5:39-40 NIV)The Unleavened Bread of God... is GOD's LOVE... living and working in a person."'I do not accept praise from men, but I know you. I know that you do not have the LOVE OF GOD in your hearts." (verses 41-42)The Unleavened Bread of God represents... Jesus Christ, the Light of the world... Living in the hearts and minds of God's Children.Without Jesus' Light in our hearts... there is no "end time revealing" of the understanding of God's Truth [of which, Daniel, in his day professed ignorance: "...I did not understand..." - Dan.12:8 NIV -- BECAUSE JESUS HAD NOT YET COME IN THE FLESH].The Unleavened Bread of God represents the END TIME revealing of God's Truth to the hearts of those whom He is calling, as God's plan winds down... and the time of Jesus' return draws near:"Then He opened their minds so they could Understand the Scriptures." (Luke 24:45 NIV)

Why use unleavened bread during communion?

- From a symbolic aspect, the way unleavened bread had to be made at the time gave the bread a distinct look. In order for it to cook properly, cooking through to the center, it had to be striped (like you may see on peanut butter cookies where the preparer uses a fork to press stripes in the cookie). It also had to have holes punched in it to cook properly. So when Jesus raised the unleavened bread and said, "This is my body which is broken for you" he was holding up bread that was both pierced and lacerated as his body would be the next day (the skin of his back hanging in ribbons from the flogging and the nails which pierced his hands and feet.) To see an example simply search for matzo crackers to see unleavened bread with this piercing and striping.- When the word leaven is used in the manner and such like manner, it represents sin. Leaven in flour for instant will permeate and cause the flour to rise and puff up and completely change the normal appearance of flour from the norm. Symbolically so sin will do the same for the christian life if allowed to enter. As the bread from flour represents the body of Christ, especially in the communion then inclusion of anything foreign is an impurity.- Because communion is representative of the feast of Passover and God specifically commanded that bread without yeast be used for Passover.Answer:Two reasons come to mind...First, is in its initial use by the Israelites in their escape from Egypt. Unleavened bread doesn't require the "time" to rise... therefore it provided an instantaneous food supply for them when they hastily escaped from Egypt.The second reason lies in the "spiritual symbolism" of unleavened bread, beyond the sustaining of "physical life":"...It is written, Man shall not live by BREAD alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." (Matt.4:4)The Word of God is compared to "bread"... "unleavened bread." Plain, simple, unembellished Divinely revealed sustenance and nourshment for man's spirit [his awakened intellect, mind, heart to God's Truth]."...Thy Word is Truth." (John 17:17)God [Jesus Christ, the Almighty Creator God of the Old Testament - John 1:3 & 10] orchestrated in due time, the Israelites' escape from Egypt to symbolize the plan of salvation... of which, the Word of God, the Bible, Unleavened Bread... plays a pivotal part.Egypt symbolizes "SIN" to which the Israelites were enslaved, just as mankind is in bondage to sin [the transgression of God's law - I John 3:4]. It was the "blood of the lamb" that the Israelites, through obedience to the command, struck upon the windows and doors of their homes... that caused "death" to pass over them on that night that they were commanded to do so.But, once free from bondage to sin [Egypt]... the person cannot hang around in the midst of it. HE MUST FROM THEN ON - RUN AWAY FROM SIN... or be recaptured and pulled back into it by his "former master," Pharaoh [Satan the Devil].That's where the believer must "eat on the run" the Unleavened Bread of God. Read the Bible... feed on it... chew on it... savor it... digest what it says... learn the Truth that's otherwise hidden there from the carnal minds of unconverted men.The Unleavened Bread of God, the Bible, is the believer's sustenance, until Jesus returns to earth with the Kingdom of God. It's the "written" Words of Jesus Christ:"...Our fathers did eat manna in the desert [God's bread from heaven, when the unleavened bread ran out - Ex.16]; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat."Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but My Father giveth you the True Bread from heaven."For the Bread of God is He which came down from heaven, and giveth Life unto the world... Then Jesus said unto them, I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst." (John 6:31- 35)The Unleavened Bread of God... Jesus Christ... is a converted man's spiritual sustenance for the duration of his mortal life, either until he dies... or Jesus Christ returns."So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and UNTO THEM THAT LOOK FOR HIM shall He appear THE SECOND TIME without sin UNTO SALVATION." (Heb.9:28)The BREAD OF LIFE, Jesus Christ, sets us free from death. Faith in His shed blood does this. And the reading, studying and implementation of the Unleavened Bread, Jesus' written Word, the Bible, in our life from then on... MAINTAINS THAT FREEDOM!"...IF YE CONTINUE IN MY WORD, then are ye My disciples indeed; and YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, and the Truth shall MAKE YOU FREE." (John 8:31-32)"Communion" isn't some mindless ritual to observe for a moment and forget. It's the starting point of God's mercy, forgiveness and newness of life:"...THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME..." (Luke 22:19).And God's Unleavened Bread then becomes the believer's life-long source of TRUTH and LIBERTY [or, as the founding fathers wrote: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, which is endowed by our Creator, Jesus Christ, not man's governments]... which yields inner peace [a rare commodity in the world].The unleavened bread of "communion" is a REMINDER that symbolizes the "spiritual intake" of God's Word into the mind and heart... which serves to function in the growth and development of "Divine Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding and Character" in the "Child of God" growing in each believer.

What are matzo crackers?

Matza is unleavened bread made with just flour and water. There is no leavening used. Essentially, it's like a really big (unleavened) cracker or hardtack. In order for it to be kosher for Passover, it must be baked within 18 minutes of the time that the flour is mixed with water (and ordinary store-bought flour is not used, since normal processing includes washing of harvested wheat). It is specifically eaten during Passover. However, some people may eat it year round because they enjoy it.

What is the meaning of Matzah?

Matzah is the unleavened flat bread that Jews eat during Passover as commanded by God (Exodus ch.12) and which commemorates the same bread that their ancestors ate on the night of the Exodus from Egypt. It reminds us of the haste in which they prepared to leave Egypt (ibid.) and also symbolizes humility.See also:More about Passover and its foods

What are the appointed Feasts in the Bible?

See Leviticus 23 for the Feast of the Lord. The weekly Sabbath and the 7 Annual Feast Days are God's and belong to no nation or men. The Scripture plainly states this. These all point to events in the Plan of God for the Salvation of Mankind. The weekly Sabbath reminds us of the Creator God and the Millennial Rest of Christ. The Passover points to Jesus' sacrifice for the sins of mankind while the Feast of Unleavened Bread shows us Christ's sacrifice as mankind's 'Wave Sheaf' offering was found acceptable to God the Father and we are to keep sin (unleavened bread) out of our lives...etc.

How did God care for the Israelites?

he fed and nourished them in a time of need and discomforthe's great and loves us more than what you can ever love someone

Describe how Passover was established in the time of Moses?

God commanded the Israelites to keep the Passover festival (Exodus ch.12). In giving us its details, God incorporated observances that commemorate various aspects of the events of the Exodus, such as the unleavened bread (matzah) that we must eat on Passover, and which our forefathers baked in their haste to leave Egypt. The bitter herbs (of the Seder meal) are reminiscent of the harshness of the slavery, the salt water is similar to tears, the haroset-food is similar to bricklayers' mortar, etc. See also:The details of the Passover Seder