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Because the soldiers manning the out posts of the Roman Empire spoke/wrote in Latin as it was the official language of the Roman Empire... ergo if you wanted any association with the Roman Empire you had to know basic latin. Latin really caught on as being the one, uniform language of the whole Roman Empire

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Q: Why did the latin language spread to all parts of the roman empire?
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How did Latin spread the farthest parts through our empire?

When the Romans (or any other conqueror) took over a territory, they took their language with them. The army spoke Latin, the magistrates spoke Latin and the traders and businessmen spoke Latin.

What language was most used in the Roman Empire?

Latin was the official Language of the Roman Empire. A mixture of colloquial Latin and words from local languages became the language of the conquered peoples in Gaul (France), Hispania (Spain and Portugal), Dalmatia, Dacia (Romania) and probably other parts of the empire. In the eastern Mediterranean Greek was the main language, but Latin was also used for official purposes. Many ethnic groups also spoke their own languages.

How did the Romans influence religion?

When the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, Latin became the language of the Church in the Western parts of the empire, and it remained the language of Catholic worship until 1965. The city of Rome remained the headquarters of the Church.

What empire actually helped spread Christianity to many parts of Europe and North America?

Roman Empire

What language did the byzantine and the western empire speak?

Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.Both parts of the empire spoke Latin and the educated spoke Greek. However the Byzantine part tended to use Greek more than the western. This was probably because there were many diverse languages in the eastern area and Greek was the common language that they used for diplomacy and trade.

Why The expansion of English language since 1500?

The expansion of the English language since 1500 can be attributed to factors such as British colonization, global trade, and the spread of the British Empire. These events led to English becoming a dominant language in many parts of the world, contributing to its widespread usage and influence. The development of technology, such as the internet, has further facilitated the spread of English as a global language.

What is the birthplace of the spanish language?

The birthplace of the Spanish language is the Iberian Peninsula, specifically in what is now modern-day Spain. The language evolved from Latin, which was brought to the region by the Romans around 200 BC. Over time, Spanish developed its own unique characteristics and spread to Latin America and other parts of the world through colonization.

Where was the French language originally spoken?

The French language originated in France. It gradually spread through colonization, trade, and cultural influence to other parts of the world, particularly in regions that were once part of the French colonial empire.

What continents did the roman empire spread?

The Roman Empire included parts of Europe, Africa and Asia.

What was the most widely spoken language in ancient Rome?

Latin was the language ancient Rome, but Greek was used by the upper classes who admired Greek culture. Greek was also the first language of the Greek cities in southern Italy (eg Naples was a Greek city nea = new, polis = city).Greek was also the lingua franca of the east. After the western part of the Roman Empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples, the eastern part of the empire survived for a millennium. They called themselves Romans but spoke Greek and maintained Greek culture.As the empire expanded, other peoples had been absorbed, and the languages of the empire included those from Spain, Gaul, Britain, Germany, Israel and so on - dozens of languages and hundreds of dialects.The language of Rome was Latin. Though, due to Rome's size and diversity of peoples, there would be many other languages from all over Europe and North Africa.AnswerIn Ancient Rome, their first language was Latin, the language that many languages - English, French, Spanish, Italian - descended from. The Roman Empire expanded over many countries, and those it did defeat, it colonised, some Latin words passed into their language, and remain up until today. Perhaps the most influenced language was the Italian Language, as Rome is in Italy, naturally, most of Ancient Italy were likely Latin speakers.AnswerThe Romans spoke Latin. In the early days of the Roman Empire they spoke Classical Latin. During the reign of Augustus, more of them spoke Greek than Latin. A little later, Latin came back into vogue. By the fourth century Vulgar or common Latin was spoken. It differed from Classical Latin. The languages are similar. Various sounds changed.AnswerThe language of ancient Rome was Latin. Over the centuries, the form of Latin changed from what we now call Old Latin and two forms of Latin developed: Classical Latin and Vulgar Latin. The former was the official language and the language of the educated. The latter was the language of ordinary people and did not have a written form. As more and more Romans settled around the empire it developed into a collection of dialects influenced by the languages of the localsAnswerLatin ... but many/most of the scholarly class read and wrote GreekThey spoke Latinthey speaked latin and they created alot of other languages i dont know.They spoke Latin, and some learned Greek from their Greek tutors and slaves.Latin was the language of ancient Rome, everyone spoke it during, before and after the republic. Greek was also used by the educated.In Ancient Rome, they most likely spoke Latin, the most popular language of the time, but this is not certain.they spoke in Latin

Did latin become so popular because latin could be used sffectively to deal with the day-to-day living situations and of the common people in all parts of the empire?

No, Latin was used in all parts of the Empire because it was imposed on conquered populations whether they liked it or not, often by military force. They had no choice but to learn to speak Latin.

What language did the common man speak in the roman empire?

It depended what part of the Roman Empire you were in. Latin came to dominate most of the European parts of the Empire except the Balkans south of modern Romania. Greek dominated in the Balkans and much of the Middle East, where Aramaic was also widespread and important. In Egypt Greek and Copticwere dominant and North Africa there was a mixture of Latin, Greek, Punic and Berber. In Britain it was a mixture of Latin and Brythonic (the ancestor of Welsh).