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At the time such rules were determined, 18 years was the median age in the U.S., meaning that half of the residents were older than 18 and half of them were younger than 18. Since more than half of any group constitutes a majority, 18 was referred to as the age of majority. That is why people under 18 are called minors. Over 100 years ago, despite the government's limitations on the rights of citizens who were under the age of majority, it was not uncommon for boys to quit school and start working full time around the age of 13 if their fathers had become disabled or had died. (That pretty much ended with the introduction of the federal welfare programs of the 1930s.)

The government no longer treats the entire younger half of the population as second-class citizens solely because they are considered a minority group due to their age. That is especially fortunate considering that according to the 2010 U.S. Census the median age of the residents of the United States in April 2010 had reached an all-time high of 37.2 years.

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Q: Why did the lawmakers feel that 18 was the correct age to be considered an adult?
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