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Q: Why did the loyalty oath required under radical reconstruction disfranchise more confederates?
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How would the passage of the wade-Davis bill have slowed the reconstruction effort?

The Wade-Davis Bill required that a majority of prewar southern voters swear loyalty to the Union.

What is the Johnsonian Reconstruction?

The Reconstruction period under President Johnson occurred after the end of the Civil War. His plan was to reconstruct the infrastructure of the South. President Johnson did this by granting amnesty and returning lands to former Confederates that pledge loyalty to the Union. He was lenient towards the South and blocked attempts to pass punitive legislation.

How would the passage of the wade-Davis have slowed the reconstruction effort?

The Wade-Davis Bill required that a majority of prewar southern voters swear loyalty to the Union.

How did the passage of Wade Davis bill have slowed the reconstruction Effort?

The Wade-Davis Bill required that a majority of southern prewar voters swear loyalty to the union.

How would passage of the Wade Davis Bill have slowed the Reconstruction effort?

The Wade-Davis Bill required that a majority of prewar southern voters swear loyalty to the Union.

What did Abraham Lincoln's planes for reconstruction call for?

Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction was simple for Confederates to took the Oath of Loyalty and follow all federal laws pertaining to slavery those who did so were given general amnesty ... Reconstruction plans allowed former Confederate States to form new governments and constitutions, as long as ten percent (10%) of their voters supported the Union during The 1860 Presidential Election ...

What did former confederates have to do to get amnesty under lincolns plan to rebuild the union?

They had to swear an oath of loyalty.

What might president Johnson plan for reconstruction have been considered unfair?

Andrew Johnson's plan for reconstruction required an oath of loyalty, states to repeal secession, states to abolish slavery, and refuse to pay Confederate government debts. His plan might be unfair because it allowed Confederate leaders to take charge of Reconstruction.

How would have the passage of the wade davis bill have slowed the reconstruction?

The Wade-Davis Bill created the Freedmen's Bureau to relocate refugees in the South. The Wade-Davis Bill granted pardons to former Confederates. ... The Wade-Davis Bill established black codes to limit the rights of African Americans.

What did the former confederates have to do to get amnesty under Lincoln's plan to rebuild the union?

They had to swear an oath of loyalty.

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Was lincolns plan for reconstruction to 10 percent of southern voters to pledge their loyalty to the constitution?
