

Why did the militias form?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why did the militias form?
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Because sul

Why did colonists Form militias?

british placed even more limits on colonial trade

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I believe that they formed militias in order to combat the british and show the british that they were serious about rebellion. i dont know for sure, i was also looking for the answer. lol

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Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

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There are four main militias located in the state of Texas. Nationwide it is estimated that 60,000 people belong to militias.

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Prior to the Revolutionary War, militias were used in all of the colonies, especially during the French and Indian War. During this time, there was some conflict between the British Army, headed by George Washington and the militias who were reluctant to involve themselves in the skirmishes as ordered.

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The colonists united and began to form militias in response to?

The British placing even more limits on colonial trade and sending more troops to the colonies.