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It may be that they were more in opposition to Porfrio Diaz then they were in support of Zapatistas and Villistas.

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Q: Why did the people of Mexico support Zapata and Pancho Villa?
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What are the differences between pancho villa and emiliano zapata?

Pancho villa was the leader of the northern division and Emiliano Zapata was the leader the the southern division. Villa killed and raped his own women soldiers and was a bandit. Zapata on the other hand, people looked up to him. He took care of his soldiers and never killed his own.

Is pancho villa a famous person in New Mexico?

Pancho Villa is infamous in New Mexico. In 1916 Pancho Villa led a force of 1,500 guerillas attacking the U.S. border town of Columbus, New Mexico. They killed 19 people and burned the town.

Why did people want pancho villa to go to justice?

People in the United States wanted to apprehend Pancho Villa because he raided the town of Columbus, New Mexico in an attempt to show that he was not pleased in the United States response to the Mexican Revolution and wanted more support on his side. The US government sent General Pershing to find and capture Villa but Pershing was unsuccessful and the United States never caught Pancho Villa.

Why porfirio diazemiliano zapata and pancho villa were important people in the Mexican revolution?

Diaz was a dictator that had already lasted for more than 30 years by 1910. Zapata and Villa were some of the warlords that engaged in a civil war against Diaz's regime during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1921).

Who attacked Columbus New Mexico and what did Wilson do about it?

In 1916 Pancho Villa led a force of 1,500 guerillas attacking the U.S. border town of Columbus, New Mexico. They killed 19 people and burned the town. The U.S. sent General John Pershing and 6,000 troops into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa. Although they were unable to capture him during a 3 year effort, Pancho Villa did not attack any more U.S. towns.

how might a shortage of jobs in mexico affect the movements of it's people?

The people in Mexico would have to move to another place in search of jobs to support their families.

What did Emiliano Zapata do?

Emiliano Zapata, was born in what we now know as the Sate of Morelos, which is soutwest of Mexico City, IN 1880, in a small town near Cuautla, and he died in Chinameca, ain 1918, he never agreed with nobody, he was fighting a war that nobody understood, since his demands were included in the Mexican Constitution, and the lands that he claimed had been taken from the Catholic Church.

How were Poncho Villa and Emiliano Zapata different from other Mexican revolutionary leaders?

They both had the support of the people & neither of them held any rank in the military prior to the mexican revolution.

Why was New Mexico attacked?

Initially U.S. President supported Pancho Villa in his efforts against Mexican leader Venustiano Carranza. When President Wilson changed and supported Carranza, Pancho Villa was outraged that the U.S. no longer supported him. He then led 1,500 men in an attack against the U.S. town of Columbus, New Mexico. They killed 19 people and burned the town.

Is Pancho Villa an American hero?

Answer 1: Pancho Villa was a Mexican Revolutionary General and hero to his people. Since his raid on Columbus in 1916, Villa was neither friend nor hero to the US. Answer 2: Yes. Pancho Villa is known world wide, and treated like a hero everywhere. He is most commonly known in the United States as a hero by United States Citizens (Americans). It might be really awkward that Pancho Villa murdered Americans, and still, Americans now days love him and treat him like a hero. The reason for that is that Pancho Villa was like a Mexican Robinhood. he stole from the middle class, and the rich and gave it to the poor. He also rebelled against evil people in Mexico and always protected Mexico from American attacks.

How did pancho villa change Mexico?

he opened poor people to the idea that they could stand up for themselves and gain more rights for example the right to own their own land.

What did zapatista national liberation army in mexico gains much of its support?

native people