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Q: Why did the potassium permanganate move through the water?
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Why does potassium permanganate dissolve quicker in hot water?

because the the molecules of the otassium permanganent get energy from the hot water and than tthey move around faster (they spread daster because of the energy they get from the hot water)

Why is the rate of diffusion not identical when potassium permanganate is added to warm and cold water?

The heat allows the particles to move more freely in the water and therefore diffuse faster. When the water is colder the particles move more slowly and therefore the rate is slower. I hope this helps, I'm practicing this concept as well.

Why do you have to warm the oxalate solution before performing titration?

because if the temperature is too low the interaction between the oxylate and potassium permanganate will move too slow?? why IDK

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In hot water the water atoms are in an excited state, meaning that they will move around more and come into contact with things more often. they are more likely to bond to substances as the activation energy is available. This is similar to sugar dissolving more readily in hot water compared to cold.

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The wind does not move through water to any significant extent.

Why potassium oxalate is acidified before titration?

If the temperature is too low (below 55 degrees celsius), the interaction between the oxalate and the potassium permanganate will move too slow as to be used as a practical lab experiment. *** Above 60 degrees celsius, oxalate acid begins to decompose, so it's important to stay in this range.

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It spins to move through the water

How does light move through water?

Water is tranparent; light passes through it.

How does a hose move?

If you are asking about a garden water hose. This can move with the force of water traveling through it. It can also move from the temperature of the water it holds.