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Q: Why did the rebels won the American war of independence?
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But what about civil wars?

A civil war is when one group ((the rebels)) rebels against the government. some famous civil wars have been the: American Civil War 1861-1865 ((Union won)) Mexican Civil War 1910's (( Rebels won)) Somalian Civil War 1992- ((Still going on))

Why was American War of Independence important to French Revolution?

The American War of independence was important to the French Revolution because the Americans would not have won without the help of the French.

What war was our independence won?

Revolutionary War, in which the USA won its independence from Britain.

What was the American Revoulution?

The American Revolution was war through which the 13 original states and Vermont won their independence from Britain.

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What rang out when the American won its independence?

this rang when america won independence

What was the war in which the US won its independence from Great Britain?

The Revolutionary War, also known as the American Revolution (1775-1783)

What was the outcome of American revolution?

they won the war of independence/ or the American revolutionary war. The immediate outcome was that the United States of America was formed as an independent nation, no longer under the control of Great Britain.

How did the American Revolution create a new nation?

The american side vs the british side were in war and the americans won and they earned independence.

What happened when America won the Spanish American War?

Cuba was granted independence, Guam and Puerto Rico became US Territories and the Philippine American War began.

From which country did the US win their independence?

The U.S. won it's Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War which lasted from 1775 to 1783.