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The Sirens (Greek Mythology) lured sailors with beautiful music, and made them either throw themselves into the sea and drown or crash into rocks, and die.

Modern day sirens produce loud noises to alert people from far distances.

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1mo ago

The sirens in The Odyssey lured in men with their enchanting songs which promised to fulfill their desires. However, the sirens had sinister intentions, aiming to lead sailors to their doom by causing their ships to crash on the rocks.

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12y ago

They were formerly handmaidens of the goddess Persephone Queen of Underworld. When the girl was secretly abducted by Hades, Demeter gave them the bodies of birds, and sent to assist in the search. They eventually gave up and settled on the flowery island of Anthemoessa.

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12y ago

They were formerly handmaidens of the goddess Persephone, Queen of Hades. When the girl was secretly abducted by Hades, Demeter gave them the bodies of birds, and sent to assist in the search. They eventually gave up and settled on the flowery island of Anthemoessa.

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13y ago

They sang and when sailors heard the song they either drowned or their ship was crashed in the cliffs as they tried to come ashore dangerous islands.

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Well they wanted to eat them.

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Q: Why did the sirens from the Odyssey lure in men?
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In the Odyssey did the sirens lure Odysseus?

Yes; the Sirens sang their enchanted song, and attempted to lure Odysseus and his men to their doom.

What book are the Sirens in?

The Sirens are featured in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey." In this classic tale, the Sirens are mythical creatures who lure sailors to their doom with their enchanting voices and singing.

What did the sirens promise in The Odyssey?

In "The Odyssey," the sirens promised to provide knowledge and insight to sailors who listened to their enchanting music. However, their true intention was to lure sailors to their deaths by causing them to shipwreck on the rocky shores where the sirens resided. Odysseus and his men avoided this fate by following a clever plan devised by Odysseus himself.

Who are the women from the Odyssey?

I believe you are referring to the sirens. They sirens are women Odysseus stumbles upon on his journey who sexually lure Odysseus and distract him from his ultimate goal.

Who Are sirens on The Odyssey?

The sirens are a danger that Odysseus and his men must pass to return home.

The Sirens try to lure Odysseus and his men by?

The Sirens try to lure Odysseus and his men by singing enchanting melodies that promise knowledge and pleasure. Their irresistible songs tempt sailors to steer their ships towards the treacherous rocks where the Sirens reside.

How do the sirens destroy men in the odyssey?

Sirens were nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song.

Which beautiful singer lures men to their death in the ocean?

the sirens lure men to death with their singing

What is the Peril of the sirens in odyssey?

With their song they lured men to drown and ships to wreck upon cliffs in effort to reach the sirens.

What happens when a woman hears a sirens?

Well, supposedly Sirens were supposed to lure "men" with their beautiful song. If a woman was on board I don't think she would be hypnotised.

Who is the siren in 'The Odyssey?

They are beautiful young ladies who sing songs and try to get men to steer their ships into dangerous rocks and destroy them, then they try to kill the men.

How many sirens were in The Odyssey?

In Homer's "The Odyssey," there were two sirens mentioned. They were known for luring sailors with their enchanting voices to shipwreck on their island. Odysseus encountered the sirens on his journey home.