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The South didn't have much industry, it was mainly a farming area. Their main export was cotton, I believe another top export was tobacco. The South didn't farm very much food, and with little industry they didn't have basic supplies like shoes. So the South needed to keep their ports open so they could receive food, shoes, and other important supplies.

As a side note: The North did a pretty good job of blocking off Southern ports so the South experienced much hardship during the war.

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Q: Why did the south have to keep their ports open during the civil war?
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Blockading the Southern ports. Also by issuing the Emancipaiton Proclamation, which turned the war into an official crusade against slavery, so that free nations abroad could not aid the Confederates without looking pro-slavery themselves.

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To secede and to keep slavery.

Transportation in the North and South during the Civil War?

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What can you say about the south in the Civil War?

They wanted to keep slavery and the north didn't and that is what started the civil war