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Most of the areas in the Southwest are not heavily forested, and most of the plant life consists of prairie grasses and scrub brush. So the native tribes used the material at hand, fashioning clay and straw into adobe bricks.

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Q: Why did the southwest Indians make their houses out of clay instead of bark and wood like the Indians in the northeast?
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How big were the southwest Indians houses?

As big as can be

What do southwest Indians use to build their houses?


How do southwest Indians use to build their houses?

wooden bricks

What kind of houses did Indians in southwest live in?

long houses some in lakes and humans some lived under ground

Southwest indians homes?

The Pueblo Indians of the Southwest built pueblo homes. The adobe, multi-story houses are made of clay and straw baked into hard bricks. They are structured like modern day apartments, with each unit housing one family.

Did the desert southwest Indians live?

Many of the Indians of the desert southwest lived in adobe structures. I doubt any lived in teepees. Teepees were used by people who were nomadic, such as the plains Indians.

How did the American Indians houses look like?

The houses of American Indians varied depending on the region and climate. In the southwest, Pueblo Indians built multi-story adobe structures, while in the Great Plains, tribes like the Sioux lived in portable tipis made of hides. On the East Coast, tribes such as the Iroquois built longhouses made of wood and bark. Overall, their houses were designed to adapt to their environment and provide shelter and functionality for their specific way of life.

Did shawnee Indians live in wigwams?

Yes they did live in Wigwams I looked it up for a report they lived in those instead of houses.

How did the southwest Indians house look like?

Southwest Indians homes were made from adobe. It was a mixture of clay, straw and animal fecal matter to form bricks to dry into the sun. They were built on the cliffs of shallow caves with wooden ladders to reach the higher areas.

What houses did the Chinook Indians live in?

Chinook Indians lived in long houses made of cedar boards.

What do the Apache houses like?

Apaches live in the Southwest.

Did the Shawnee Indians live in wigwams?

Yes they did live in Wigwams I looked it up for a report they lived in those instead of houses.