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The 17th Amendment replaces the phrase "chosen by the Legislature thereof" with "elected by the people thereof". Many interpreted this to mean giving the legislature power to bar appt by the governor, & that vacancies may only be filled by election.

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Q: Why did the states place so much power in the hands of the popularly elected legislatures-?
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Why did the state place so much power in the hands of the popularly elected legislatures?

They viewed powerful executives as enemies of liberty.

Why did the states place so much power in the hands of popularly elected legislatures?

The 17th Amendment replaces the phrase "chosen by the Legislature thereof" with "elected by the people thereof". Many interpreted this to mean giving the legislature power to bar appt by the governor, & that vacancies may only be filled by election.

Why did the State place so much power in the hands of the popularly legislatures?

The 17th Amendment replaces the phrase "chosen by the Legislature thereof" with "elected by the people thereof". Many interpreted this to mean giving the legislature power to bar appt by the governor, & that vacancies may only be filled by election.

Why did most states limit the power of their governors and divided the legislatures into two bodies?

This is because the writers of the constitution did not only want to prevent abuses of power in the states, but they also wanted to keep power in the hands of the people.

Why did most states limit the power of their governors and divide their legislatures into two bodies?

This is because the writers of the constitution did not only want to prevent abuses of power in the states, but they also wanted to keep power in the hands of the people.

What are the changes in rome republic and empire of rome?

To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".To be technically correct, Rome was already an empire under the republican form of government. The form of government that is popularly called the "empire" is actually the principate. Okay, during the republic, the people voted and elected their officials and voted upon passage of laws. The power was, at least on paper, in the hands of the Roman people. During the principate the ultimate power was in the hands of one individual who we call the emperor and the Romans called "Caesar".

Where did Pennsylvania and Georgia choose and unicameral legislature and a weak governor?

NovaNet- to put power in the hands of an elected body

Why did Pennsylvania and Georgia choose a unicameral legislature and a weak governor?

NovaNet- to put power in the hands of an elected body

Why did Pennsylvania and Georgia choose unicameral legislature and a weak governor?

NovaNet- to put power in the hands of an elected body

What type of democracy did the roman-republic practice?

Technically, the Romans had a republic, not a democracy. Romans voted for their political leaders (consuls, praetors, tribunes, aediles, and quaestors). Elected politicians gained entry into the Senate, the ruling political body of the Republic. The elected officials also ran the military campaigns.

What was lincolns attitude towards abolition during the civil war?

Moderate. He had been elected as the compromise candidate, and was not an abolitionist. His big priority at the outbreak of war was the keep on-side the four slave-states that had not joined the Confederates. Even when he issued the Emancipation Proclamation (not chiefly to please the abolitionists, but to keep the British out), he did not lay hands on slavery in those four states.

What did Jefferson believed that the power of the government belonged in the hands?

power of the states