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cus durin the 1500s Britain sent a few people over to America and they formed the 13 colonies

after many battles the british government ran out of money and began to tax the colonies ALOT so they started the war of independence

the colonies won and havnt been a part of Britain since but i dnt think think they can acctually be called states because a) they're very small b) they were never really part of the origianal America

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
please spell right and that is no answer just a bunch of facts no answer to the original questionΒ 
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βˆ™ 8y ago

because each state thought of itself as a country The thirteen British colonies in America became states to declare an independence from each other while still being united as a central country.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

America was striving for independence from the administration of the British but America had not to bind them into a union by means of a general constitution called the "Articles of Confederation".

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Q: Why did the thirteen british colonies become known as states?
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