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Answer Islam is frequently referred to as a religion of peace. In this connection the often cited sura from the Koran refers to their being 'no compulsion in religion'. Other suras in the Koran speak about both Jews and Christians as 'people of the book' (the Bible) and affirm their scriptures. On the other hand, there are many Muslims who recognise some (if not all) of the 109 Koranic verses which are referred to as 'war verses'. These are said to abrogate (supersede) the verses which indicate peace and respect towards Christians.

To directly answer to the question though, the Muslims who kill Christians in Darfur (or anywhere else) would be getting their justification for doing so directly from the Koran itself since the Koran is their sacred book. They would believe they are following the example of Muhammed and the teachings of their Holy book. It may also to a degree (but not always) depend on whether those they are killing are Christians from a Muslim background or not. Muslims who become Christians are regarded throughout the Islamic world as apostates and are deemed worthy of death, according to Koranic teaching.

It must also be remembered that in Darfur there appeared to be a racial motivation to the violence, even to the point of attempted genocide. In at least part it is certainly possible that both motivations are present. Some of the violence has even been reported as being Muslim versus Muslim, so the situation is not altogether clear cut.

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The cause of the genocide. it did not end and we are in 2011. they were killed and raped for years.

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