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Q: Why did truman not ask congress to declare war in Korea?
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What as the significance of Truman's decision not to ask Congress for a declaration of war in Korea?

The significance of Truman's decision not to ask Congress for a declaration of war in Korea led to accusation from Congress. Congress accused the president of usurping the powers of the legislative branch. He justified his actions stating the UN had requested aid for the Republic of Korea to find off attacks.

Who did Polk ask to declare war on Mexico?

The US Congress.

What led Woodrow Wilson to ask congress to declare war?

The Zimmerman Letter

What did Roosevelt ask congress to do on December 8 1941?

to declare war on the Japanese

What did the president ask congress to do on June 1 1812?

Declare war on Britain

Can the Department of Defense declare war?

No, the President does not have the power to declare war. That power is reserved to Congress by Article I, Section 8. The President is empowered to deploy troops for limited purposes and limited periods of time under the War Powers Act, but he has no power to declare war.

Did president Rossevelt declare war on his own?

No, President Roosevelt did not declare war on his own. The president can not declare war on his own. He did however, ask congress to declare war after the bombing at Pearl Harbor.

Why did president McKinley ask congress to declare war on Spain?

The event that lead to war was the Spanish sinking of the Maine.

Who declares war on foreign countries?

The US President must ask Congress to declare war.

Why cant the president declare war?

The power to declare war is granted to the U.S. Congress by the Constitution; the president serves as the Commander in Chief of the military but requires congressional approval to formally declare war. This separation of powers ensures that such a significant decision is made with input from the legislative branch, representing the will of the people.

Can the president declar war?

According to the U.S. Constitution, the power to to declare war is vested solely in Congress. See Article I Section 8The Congress shall have power"to declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water." The president can ask Congress to declare war, but cannot do so himself.

What does the president have to do to declare war?

According to the Constitution...The President does not have any power to declare war. That power was given exclusively to the Congress. This was meant to keep the President in check.If that power was given to or allowed to be executed by the President, he would become a Dictator in due time, once he realized the power he had. He could declare a war, attack anyone he chose with his army, and take over the country/world.The President can ask Congress for a Declaration of War, but the Congress is supposed to vote on declaring that war or not.Unfortunately these days the whole process works backwards, only because "we the people" let it happen. The President attacks a country, then asks Congress to declare the war. He gives himself controlling powers that were not delegated to him by the Constitution.Sounds like the beginning of a dictatorship to me!