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there were women slaves to >:U

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Q: Why did women support the antislavery movement?
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Who worked in the temperance and antislavery movements and built the women's movement into a national movement?

Susan B. Anthony

What issue was the antislavery movement split over in 1840?

It was split over the participation of women.

What is a good title for a research paper on how the women's rights emerges within the antislavery movement?

Advocates Stands Out

What significant role did the Liberator play in the antislavery movement?

It helped spread antislavery opinions.

Who was a symbol of the the antislavery movement?

john brown

Why was the antislavery movement important?

The antislavery movement was important because before it, the only difference between a person with civil rights and a person with no civil rights was his/her skin color.

Why was the liberator to the antislavery movement?

It was a highly influential abolitionist newspaper.

By 1830 the most pressing social issue for reformers was?

The antislavery movement.

Why was the Liberator important to the antislavery movement?

It was a highly influential abolitionist newspaper.

Did Grover Cleveland support the womens suffrage movement?

nope he wasn't a supporter for women's rights (a.k.a. the suffrage movement)

Why would exslaves be so active in the antislavery movement?

Former slaves were active in the antislavery movement because they had firsthand experience of the horrors of slavery and were passionate about ending it. They used their stories to educate others about the brutality of slavery and were powerful advocates for abolition. Additionally, many ex-slaves wanted to ensure that future generations would not have to endure the same suffering they did.

How was william lloyd garrison effective in the anti slavery movement?

Garrison was effective in the antislavery movement by creating his own abolitionist's newspaper, "The Liberator," and be one of the first abolitioniststo call for the "Inmediate and complete emancipation" of enslaved people. And he also started the New England Antislavery Society in 1832 and the American Antislavery Society.