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Q: Why did world leaders ignore hurlers genocide against the Jews during the war?
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Why did world leaders ignore hitler's genocide against the jews during the war-?

World leaders ignored Hitler's genocide against the Jews during the war because of the position of Pope Pius XII.

Who attemped genocide during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis committed genocide during WW2, against the Jews.

Did the Armenians ever resist during the Armenian genocide?

yes the Armenian resisted during the Armenian genocide by forming groups of fighting soldiers and there was the general "general Antranig" who led the troops during the war to fight against the Turks. and you can see that there were Armenians resisting during the genocide in the movie"ARARAT" which will give you a lot of vital informations about the genocide.

Did Mexicans commit genocide against the Americans during the Texas Revolution?

Yes. They are still committing genocide. Check the borders, and all the illegals, drug smugglers, and gun runners.

Was Rwanda governmentally organized during the Genocide?

Was Rwanda governmentally organized during the Genocide?

Who was not subject to genocide Jewsn?

Jews were subject to genocide during WW2.

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it's not against the warrior code but most likely not.

Who won the rwandan genocide?

The Rwandan genocide was not really a war, since the aim of this genocide and any genocide is to exterminate a certain group of people. In the Rwandan genocide the aim was to kill all the Tutsis. Fortunately not all the Tutsis were killed in this genocide, but hundreds of thousands were and Rwanda still has to bear the scar of what happened during that horrible time to this day, so nobody won the genocide, everybody just lost.

Who was Secretary General during the genocide in Rwanda?

Boutros Boutros-Ghali was the SG of the UN during the Rwandan genocide.

What happen during Rwandan genocide?

During the Rwandan Genocide, over 900,00 tutsis were killed by the hutus with machetes.

What are the two acts of genocide?

The Holocaust during WW2 and the Rwandan genocide in 1994.

How did the concept of total war contribute to the genocide of the Armenian people during World War 1?

It made Ottoman leaders sus of groups that were not Turkish or Muslim. (APEX)