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Well, he did have one, Charles Dawes, after he was elected to his own term in 1924 but remember that Coolidge was vice president under Warren Harding and became president when Harding died in 1923. At that time there was no constitutional provision for appointing a vice president if that office was vacant so there was no vice president for the remainder of Harding's term.

The 25th Amendment to the constitution, allowing for legal replacement of the Vice President, was not enacted until 1967.

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Q: Why didn't Calvin Coolidge have a vice president from 1923 to 1925?
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Calvin Coolidge was president from 1923-1929.

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Calvin Coolidge served as president from 1923 - 1929.

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Calvin Coolidge served as president from 1923 - 1929.

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Calvin Coolidge was president from 1923-1929.

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Calvin Coolidge was president from 1923-1929.

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The 30th President of the United States was Calvin Coolidge. President Coolidge was in office from Aug. 2 1923 - March 4, 1929.

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