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Q: Why didn't Claudius stop the queen from drinking from the poisoned cup?
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How did King Claudius Hamlet's uncle die?

Hamlet stabs him after Queen Gertrude dies from drinking the poision that was meant for Hamlet.

The queen carouses to thy fortune Hamlet . . . What is she about to do?

She is about to drink, but the cup she picks up is the one which Claudius has poisoned.

How did Claudius hamlets uncle die?

Hamlet stabs him after Queen Gertrude dies from drinking the poision that was meant for Hamlet.

How does Hamlets mother die?

Hamlet's mother died by drinking a goblet of wine that was supposed to go to Hamlet. The King had poisoned the wine in an attempt to kill Hamlet and seeing his queen about to take a sip, he tries to persuade her otherwise. She drinks anyway.

What positive use of power did Claudius make?

Claudius comforted the queen after the death of her husband.

How does Gertrude die in Hamlet?

Gertrude accidentally drinks from the poisoned cup, which Polonius had intended for Hamlet to drink from during his duel with Laertes. (In some productions, Gertrude knows that the cup is poisoned and drinks it anyway, to atone for her involvement in her husband's murder, or to save her son's life, or both.)

How does Claudius kill King Hamlet and why?

Hamlet stabs Claudius with a poisoned sword, but only the tip is poisonous and it is dubious whether Laertes' poisoned tip cuts the king as King Claudius cries out for help claiming he is only hurt. Hamlet then holds him down and forces him to drink the last of the poisoned wine that had been intended for Hamlet, but his mother, the queen, drank it and died. Laertes says the king "is justly served; It is a poison temper'd by himself. [the king]" Implying Laertes' poison didn't kill Claudius, Claudius's poison killed himself, just as Laertes was slain by his own posion from the sword. So, Hamlet kills Claudius by making him drink a cup of poisoned wine that Claudius had intended for Hamlet.

Who killed Gertrude in Hamlet?

Technically, King Cladius Kills Gertrude in Hamlet, but not intentionally. King Cladius poisons the wine for Hamlet to drink but he refuses it to keep fencing Laertes but when hamlet makes the second strike the Queen wants to drink to him and when she does she drinks from the poisoned cup and dies.

Who was the king and queen of Denmark during hamlet?

King Claudius and Queen Gertrude.

Where was King Hamlet when claudus killed him?

Hamlet dies in Act 5, scene 2 when he is struck by Laertes with a poisoned sword. He and Laertes are dueling and Laertes is using a blade that Hamlet's Uncle Claudius has tainted with a strong poison.

Was Claudius Ptolemy married?

He Was Married to Queen Elizazbeth

What was the name of Hamlets mother?

Hamlet's mother is Gertrude. She is the queen of Denmark and is married to Claudius. She was originally married to Old Hamlet before he was murdered by Claudius. Gertrude is a weak woman that needs a man around her (ie. her quick marriage to Claudius). Gertrude loves Hamlet dearly, but also watches as Hamlet is sent away to his death.