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Q: Why didn't catholics and protestants want theocracy?
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How do Roman Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland view their region differently?

Catholics usually want to be part of the Republic of Ireland and Protestants want to remain in the United Kingdom.

How was the Protestant church different to the catholic church during Henry viii?

protestants want church services to be in english, whearas catholics want it in latin. also, catholics had too much bling for protestants, they want it to be humble and help the poor

Why did the Calverts want more Catholics settle in Maryland?

They wanted to give Catholics a safe place to live.

What are some ways Catholics disagree with Christians?

Well Catholics are Christians. Some ways they disagree with Protestants are: 1.Catholics believe you get to heaven by baptism plus faith plus works. Protestants believe you get to heaven by faith alone. 2.Catholics believe Communion is really Jesus. Protestants believe Communion is just a memorial of Jesus. However there are some Protestants that believe Communion almost like the Catholics. Lutherans for example. 3.Catholics honor saints. Protestants do not. These are some differeces. If you want to know mor but this in the address box.

Did the pilgrims want to reform the Church of England and start a new church in Virginia?

Yes they did. The Puritans didnt believe in catholics and didnt want to yet the pilgrims did,

How did the Catholics feel about protestants?

.Answer from a CatholicYou would need to ask a specific question, like "how did Catholics treat protestants in Germany in the sixteenth century, and even then, I don't think you would get very good answers. Most of the writing we have from that time is kind of slanted. Now, if you want to know what Catholics feel about protestants in the late twentieth century in the United States, I might be able to help on that one.

What are the main differces between protestants and catholics in Northern Ireland?

Their differences are their religious culture. Catholics are often nationalists in that they want Ireland to become one state Protestants are often unionists in that they want to remain apart of the United Kingdom. Catholics believe that the English monarch who are protestant oppressed them Protestants have the same religion as the monarch and therefore believe that the the British monarch is good. Catholics see the Pope as head of their church Protestants see the Queen as head of their church. However many protestants prefer to call the Queen as leader of their church with God being the head of the Church. Catholics see the tri-colour flag as their flag Protestants see the union flag as their flag

Why did Monaghan not become part of Northern Ireland?

There were more Catholics there than Protestants, and more want to become a part of the new independent country.

Why does Jimmy Swaggart say Catholics are not Christions and how can HE JUDGE?

I have heard many protestants say so. In Bolivia, where I live, it is even common among both Catholics and Protestants to simply call protestants "Christians" (as if Catholics weren't Christians). In my opinion, "Christians" would include both Protestants (diverse denominations) and Catholics. Of course you are right; he/they shouldn't be so judgemental. (Though I don't know for sure what exactly Jimmy Swaggart said.) The general idea is a belief that "All those that don't believe like me are infidels." Which of course is exactly the attitude you should have if what you want is to pick a fight.

What did the plotters want to achieve?

They wanted to kill James 1 becauses they thought he would help the catholics but he didnt.

How are people managed or organized by the theocracy?

i want the answer i want the answer i want the answer

Why did a group of catholics want to blow up the king and parliament?

The Protestant propaganda stated that they wanted to stem the tide of Protestantism in Britain and return the realm to Catholicism. Conspiracy theorists claim the Protestants set them up in order to have an excuse to root out the remaining Catholics.