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Q: Why didn't people speak of the Holocaust?
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How did people try to stop the Holocaust?

They were afraid so they didnt.

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Is it fair that the people who were killed in the holocaust didnt get punished?

Yes, most people would consider death to be punishment enough.

What were the fatalities of the Holocaust?

gas chambers experaments, hunger most people didnt even make it to the consintration camps

How many did Hitler kill in Holocaust?

Hitler killed over 11 million people in the holocaust. the jews couldnt survive this but they did and they are rebuilding the nation as we speak.

Do people in Germany speak of the holocaust?

Yes, it is taught in German schools.

Where are the surviors for the Holocaust?

their werent alot of people who got saved in the holocaust they were in hiding anywhere really far away from where the holocaust had occurred but right now at this time the survivors are dead and survivors were really lucky that they didnt get killed by Hitler

Why didnt everyone know about the holocaust in World War 2?

some people do not believe in things until they see it with their own eyes.

How did Jews know it was time to eat during holocaust?

they didnt.. -_-

What was the achievement of the Holocaust?

As the Holocaust equated to several million people being murdered it is hard to speak of any 'achievement' unless one looks upon oneself as Anti-Semitic and, or a Nazi.

What would have happened in the holocaust if the world war 2 didnt happen?

the Holocaust would not have happend without World War II.

What freedom do Americans have that Jews in the holocaust didnt?

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