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uhh they did

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Q: Why didn't the Germans kill the Jews when they entered the death camp?
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How did the Germans work the Jews to death?

The Germans worked the Jews to death by having them as sleves

Did Germans hate the Jews?

No, not all Germans hates the Jews. However, the particular group of Germans that hates the Jews were called the Nazi Germans.

What was used to kill six million Jews during world war 2?

Jews were sent to death camps where diseases spread and many germans killed jews there.

How were inocent Germans being killed by poles out of revenge?

it is said that the the Americans let the Jews actually abuse the Germans and tortured them to death. they actually did revenge on them.

Do you agree that the US should have entered World War 1?

No because they wouldn't of had a second because the Germans think that the Jews helped the Americans

Why british familly didnt do anything about assassination of Diana by jews?

Maybe they felt her death was an accident.

Why did the Germans decide to exterminate the Jews?

it was either that or let them starve to death, exterminating them was considered to be more humane.

Germans and Jews the same?

No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.

Who is the protagonist in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

the protagonists are annemarie, ellen, and the rest of the jews because the germans are trying to capture them. they didnt do anything wrong.

Why was there a death camp in boy in stripped pajamas?

That is where the Jews were kept before they were gased in a room. To separate them from the 'clean' - Germans

How were the Jews decontaminized at the camps?

A disinfectant was sprayed on them as they entered the camp. It was ineffective considering the block houses (buildings the Jews were housed in) were infested with disease, death and flies.

Did any German people try and help the Jews?

Of course. Not all Germans believed in the Nazi way. In fact, many of the Jews who were put to death were German themselves.