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Because in that time it was all they believed, so it was not "mythology". Also, the city-states of Greece were so separated they reffered to themselves as "Spartans" or "Minoans" not "Greeks".

Im not Gunna erase The Questioneers work cause its cool but

The meaning of mythology means not real

Greeks never belived it to be mythology because it was their religon.

If you are catholic would you think the stuff in The Bible was all myths?

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Q: Why didn't the Greeks consider Greek Mythology as Greek Mythology?
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the spartans brought a srawny soldier who left and told the greeks what was going to happen and the spartans didnt know. and then 3 days later they were conquered. and they didnt die in Greece.

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Firstly, the Romans didnt steal the Greeks religion because you can't steal a religion. The Romans worshipped the same Gods as the Greeks because they deeply admired the Greeks which can be proved by the many buildings in Rome which are modelled after Greek ones. I hope this helps

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The Greeks never lost their ability to write and speak. Greeks were under the rule of the ottoman empire, many Greeks (peasants) didnt have the freedom to learn how to write etc because they were in an enslaved state. There where many Greek schools even at the Epoch of the Ottoman Empire many Greeks were well educated and their abilities went far beyond just writing.

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