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Because of the Fugitive Slave Act - it forced the general public to report anyone who looked as though they might be a runaway, on pain of a heavy fine.

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Q: Why didn't the north like the Compromise of 1850?
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Did the north like the Compromise of 1850?

because caca

Who did Millard Fillmore anger the north or the south?

Fillmore supported the Compromise of 1850 and like any compromise, it did not satisfy anybody, but it was most hated by strong anti-slavery people in the North.

Who were the fire-eaters?

they were a sectionalists group that didn't like high tariffs and wanted to have south and north separate. the fire eaters hated to compromise of 1850

What groups did Millard Fillmore anger?

Fillmore angered the abolitionists and other anti-slavery groups in the North, by the Fugitive Slave Act, which was part of the Compromise of 1850. This compromise was engineered by Henry Clay. It was opposed by Fillmore's predecessor, Taylor.

What was life like in the North in 1850?

a really big penis

How was life like in the North at 1850?

They outlawed laws that one of them

What is an example of a compromise?

compromise is kind of like settling an argument Perhaps, Maddie didnt want to buy any poptarts because they were not on sale. But James really wanted to. So they made a compromise........Maddie would buy them but James had to pay half the price. Get it?

What did the map of the US look like during the compromise of 1850?

By 1850 Texas and California would have been on the map, all the plains states, all the southwest and all the southeast, the east coast, and west coast. No Alaska or Hawaii. They were added in 1959.

What was the cause and effect of the Missouri compromise?

that people didnt like people that own people thats bad nobody like it asept missisri. missiory bad bad misiory

What important events happened when Millard Fillmore was president?

The Compromise of 1850 which was drafted by Whig Henry Clay and Democrat Stephen Douglas was used to defuse tentions between the southern slave states and the northern free states in regards to territory acquired by the U.S. during the Mexican-American War between 1846-1848.

What are civil war words that start with not north?

It sounds like the Missouri Compromise, where slavery would be permitted 'not north' of Missouri's Southern border.

In what way did the Compromise of 1850 appease the south?

By passing the Fugitive Slave Act, which forced Northerners to report anyone who looked like a runaway slave. The Northern public greatly resented this.