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Q: Why didnt other scientist immediantly accept the theory of uniformitarianiasm?
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why did other scientist not accpet Alfred Wegeners theory

4 Imagine that you are a scientist living at the time that Wagner proposed his theory What might you have thought of his theory What biases might you have had that would influence your acceptance of t?

Just accept his theory.

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They generally don't. The Giant Impact Hypothesis is generally accepted amongst scientists.

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The Atomic Theory

What theory did this scientist provide evidence for?

Cell Theory

What theory did the scientist provide evidence for?

cell theory

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experiments test the scientist theory

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Why might a scientists theory might not be believed even if it correct?

A scientist's theory might not be believed even it is correct, if the theory is such a radical departure from existing beliefs that it seems bizarre. The theory of continental drift (which, of course, was eventually accepted) was resisted for decades because it just seemed obvious to people that the continents are not drifting, since we do not notice any such motion. It could also happen that a scientist has a valid theory but has not adequately explained, or experimentally tested that theory. Other scientists require evidence in order to accept a theory.

Which scientist propounded the conditioned reflex theory?

the russian scientist pavlov.

Why do scientist should be open minded?

Because if scientists aren't open-minded, they could try to discredit or change the results of a valid experiment, or not accept a theory that may actually be right, and discredit the theory, therefore stopping progress in science.