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Q: Why dies the Mini-Q asks why the Battle of Gettysburg is considered a major turning point of the Civil War. How does this map help answer that question?
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What battle was considered the turning poing to the civil war?

Battle of Gettysburg

What was the battle that was the turning point of the war called?

Gettysburg was considered to be the turning point.

What battle during the civil war was considered the Turning Pointbattle?

The battle of Gettysburg.

What battle is considered the the turning point of the civil war?


Which battle is considered the turning point of the Civil War in the US?

== == It was the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.

What civil war battle was considered the turning point in the war?


Why was the battle of Gettysburg called the high water mark of the confederacy?

Gettysburg was considered the turning point of the civil war, and that battle went against the South.

What was the Battle of Gettysburg considered?

The high tide mark of the Confederacy and the turning point of the Civil War.

What was the name of the battle after the Gettysburg battle?

The War's Turning Point

Turning point of battle in the civil war?

The Battle of Gettysburg.

What was the Gettysburg?

Considered to be the turning point of the American Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle ever to be fought on American soil.See the related Wikipedia link listed below for more information:

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The July Battle was the turning point of Gettysburg war?