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Because girls will be getting their period and they need more iron to replace the blood they lose.

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Q: Why do 15 year old girls need more iron in their bodies than 15 year old boys?
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Why do boys and girls need more protein when they are in their teens?

Their bodies are still growing

Is it possible that girls have more tendency to cry than boys?

Young girls are more likely to cry than boys because young women have more hormone changes going on in their bodies as they are maturing, but, some boys do cry (probably in private) and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.

There is more boys or girls?

there are more boys in the world acording to the govament there is 3248080000 boys and there is 3214983000 girls (\___/) (='.'=) ('')-('')

Who has more hair girls or boyS?

Boys. Girls have more hair's than Boys!

Why do girls need more blood than boys?

Girls need more iron than boys for this simple fact. Girls lose blood, and therefore need to compensate for blood due to the menstrual cycle. during which in a 3 to 7 day event when the lining in the uterus becomes thick with blood, which then breaks away. As you probably know, this is called a period, and it is when a lot of blood is lost. therefore girls need more iron to create the blood that is lost.

Who spend more money girls or boys?

undoutedly, girls spend more money than boys.

Are there more girls than boys in 2012?

their are more girls than boys

Who has more germs boys or girls?

Both boys and girls can have a similar amount of germs on their bodies. The presence of germs is not determined by gender, but rather by factors such as personal hygiene practices, environment, and exposure to pathogens.

Is there more boys or more girls in Egypt?

Girls because there are more girls in the world than boys that is so true

Who are smater boys or girls?

Girls. Cause they pay attention more not boys. Boys think about sports and recess more. Girls don't that is why girls tend to pay attention more.

Does England have more boys than girls?

no england has more boys than girls