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They pull their ears to check if the ear is just right and also to check if the dogs will bite them or growl

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Q: Why do AKC Judges pull dogs ears forward when checking dogs?
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What is a wolf smile?

A "wolf smile" is a body language exhibited by wolves and wolf-like dogs to indicate happiness, in which the ears are held horizontally and forward.

Are pig ears harmful to dogs?

No, pig ears are a good chewing treat for dogs.

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Why do dogs and cats move their ears. How does the shape of their ear help them to hear sounds?

dogs and cats move their ears to hear from where the sound id comming.the ears of cats and dogs are out so when the sound waves hit the outside of the ears it rebounds back into the ears.

Why do dogs ears go straight back what does this mean?

Dogs have good hearing, and move their ears forward to listen to what is in front of them. As they have forward facing eyes, this is often a point of interest - such as an owner or food. Generally, ears forward indicate friendliness and interest, but can also mean the dog is alert to danger and should not be taken as a friendly sign in an unknown dog.

Do dogs have long or short ears?

It depends on what dog you are talking about. There are dogs with short ears but most have ears bigger than those of humans.

Why do foxes have pointed ears?

When a fox's ears move forward, just like when dogs move their ears forward, they're attempting to focus all of their ears to one spot. This helps them hear faint sounds, which for foxes mostly helps in hunting the small, skittish animals that make up their diet.

Can dogs get an inner ear infection?

Dogs ears are pretty close to human ears. So the answer to your question is yes they can.

Do you have to crop a German Shepherds ears?

No, you do not "have to" crop any dogs ears.

How many dogs have 44 ears?

None no dog has 44 ears.

What are dogs ears used for?

For hearing, just like we use our ears.

Are welsh springer spaniels prone to ear infections?

Yes. All spaniels are prone to ear infections, all dogs that have floppy ears are prone to ear infections. I must check my cocker each and everyday. He enjoys the interaction and does not even know I am checking his ears.