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It doesn't just happen to a particular breed of horse. Horses eat/chew on wood because of either boredom (not enough mental stimulation), lack of exercise, or may be deficient in some mineral in their diet.

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Q: Why do American Saddlebred horses eat wood?
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What do Amrican Saddlebred horses eat?

The American saddlebred horse eats what any other horse eats. hay, grass and grain. they aren't any different then a normal horse.

Can horses eat wood?

Horses chew wood but they gain no nutritional benefit from wood.

What do American saddlebreds eat?

American Saddlebreds eat the same diet as other horse breeds.

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Grass and hay the usual!

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horses - of any kind - don't eat fur

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No. They are strictly herbivores like cows and horses are.

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all horses can eat hay/grass. all horses can eat hay/grass.

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Horses may eat their afterbirth.

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yes horses do eat cantaloupe

Will horses eat wood from there stalls?

Some horses will yes, but it is fairly rare. Some horses have things called 'vices' e.g 'weaving'; this is where a horse will stand squarely and rock side to side, transferring weight from on foreleg to the other. Horses eating wood from their stalls or stables is named 'cribbing' and is another vice. Horse will grab and pull at bits of their stable or stall and may eat the pieces. This can lead to intestinal problems and disqualification of insurance. Hope this answers your question suitably! xx

Horses primerily eat?

horses primerily eat grass or hay.