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They believe that God is more likely to answer their prayers if a saint requests him to.

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Q: Why do Catholics see the need to worship and pray to people instead of God?
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Why do Catholics not need a place for worship?

While a dedicated Church building is preferable, Mass can be held anywhere - in a home, gymnasium, even in a park or cemetery.

Why should people respect places of worship?

They are the places where people worship and learn about God. We need to respect what people believe and who they are even though they may be different.

Is the worship need or wants?

You need to want for worship

People don't need symbols to worship god because?

people dont need symbols 2 worship god because plain objects itself dont represent nothing actions based on the symbol do though

What do they call people who question the Catholic Church?

They call people who question the Catholic Church a lot of things: lapsed Catholics, cafeteria Catholics, Protestants, heretics, U.S. representatives and senators. But I think that all of those are just names, what you need to call them are brothers and sisters who need to hear the Good News, you need to call them people who need the love of God shown to them, and you need to pray for them - daily!

What do Islamic people have in there house to worship Allah?

Islamic people need nothing to worship Allah. Because they believe that Allah is as close as their own heart. However, they just need a small mat, a clean dry place, and to know the direction facing Kaaba, or Mecca, or Saudi Arabia for praying worship.

What do Roman Catholics need to worship?

No material items are needed for a Roman Catholic to pray at Mass. The use of Rosary Beads during Mass is to be discouraged. A heart, open to hearing the Word of God, is all that is needed for worship. There are several devices that are used at some devotions but nothing is required.

Do religious communities need a place of worship?

Not necessarily. While many religious communities have designated places of worship, some religious groups may gather for worship in homes, community centers, or other alternative spaces based on their beliefs and practices. The importance of a physical place of worship varies among different religions and denominations.

Why do Catholics need religious symbols?

Catholics don't "need" religious symbols, but they can be very helpful in reminding you of God and keeping your thoughts on Him.

Do people need symbols to worship god?

Not necessarily. While symbols can aid in worship by providing visual representations and facilitating focus, individuals can also worship without them by relying on personal beliefs, experiences, and spiritual connections. Ultimately, the use of symbols in worship varies among different religions and believers.

What types of Catholics are there?

Catholic AnswerTypes of Catholics? Your would have to be more specific. There are fervent Catholics, lukewarm Catholics, there are priests, religious, and laity. There are no real "types" of Catholics, there are just Catholics, they are all human beings in need of God's mercy who are trying to do God's will.

What are the types of Catholics?

Catholic AnswerTypes of Catholics? Your would have to be more specific. There are fervent Catholics, lukewarm Catholics, there are priests, religious, and laity. There are no real "types" of Catholics, there are just Catholics, they are all human beings in need of God's mercy who are trying to do God's will.