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Because they believe that following Jesus is more important than what others might say about them or think of them.

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Q: Why do Catholics stay Catholic even after all of the bashing?
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If a Catholic marrys a christian can they stay Catholic?

First of all, Catholics are Christian and were the original Christian church. Many Protestant sects believe they have a monopoly on the name Christian (wrongly) so the answer is that yes a married Catholic may remain Catholic regardless of whom they marry.

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Sometimes they blackmail there girlfriends to stay with themor they like bashing there girlfriends up.

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To stay out of purgatory, Catholics paid an "indulgence". Indulgences reduced time in Purgatory for sins that are already forgiven, they didn't necessarily keep you completely out of Purgatory. Also, the giving of money [meant as alms for the poor, but at one point was taken by the clergy (even then it wasn't an approved practice and was considered Simony)] to receive an Indulgence was stopped by Pope Pius V in 1567.

Why do Catholics hate Gnostics?

I'm a Catholic and i'm not afraid if gnostic Christans accually I believe God gave us free will to make or our own choices right or wrong and your just going off a stereotype by asking thisRoman Catholic AnswerBy your use of the past tense, I am assuming you are referring to the Gnostics from early Christianity. As with any heresy, Catholics try to stay free from evil.

Would Catholics be other religoins than Catholic?

Anumber of years after Jesus died, the Christian church became divided. One group wanted to follow emperor Constantine's teachings, as he was the Holy Roman Emperor. Others wanted to follow St Paul's teachings, even though they were quite "out there" compared to Peter's and James's teaching. The church that wanted to stay with the traditional teachings were in what is now Turkey, the main city of which was Byzantium. The other group, based in Rome were called Roman catholic christians. The word 'catholic' means "all-inclusive", and they became the Roman Catholic Church. The other group became known as the Byzantines. This group became the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, and so on. Most of the mainstream Protestant churches call themselves catholic, lower case "c", in the sense of being all-unclusive, but are not Catholics, as in Roman.

What is Catholic segregation?

Catholic segregation refers to the practice of segregating individuals based on their religious affiliation, particularly within Catholic communities. This can involve separating individuals of different religious backgrounds within schools, neighborhoods, or social settings. It was more common in the past when there was greater emphasis on maintaining the distinct identity and traditions of Catholic communities. However, in recent years, efforts have been made to promote inclusivity and diversity within Catholic organizations.

Does the Catholic church approve of a Catholic converting to the Jewish faith?

We wish you would stay catholic but we wouldn't force you stay Catholic.So you can convertANSWER: No, the Catholic Church would not APPROVE of (i.e., condone/support) a catholic converting to the Jewish faith but we have "free will" so you are free to do so.I imagine that the rabbi at your Synagogue would also not "approve" of a Jew converting to the catholic faith either.STORY: Years ago i read a book about the life of a catholic saint -- can't recall her name. During her life, some Catholics brought a young Catholic girl to this saint. The girl wished to convert to Judaism and had been studying the Jewish faith. She'd always been a nominal Catholic at best. The Catholic saint thought for a moment, spoke with the girl and said to the surrounding catholic crowd: "It is INFINITELY better to be a FAITHFUl Jew than an UNfaithful catholic." (or unfaithful non-catholic christian too) I've never forgotten those wise words. She was right.

What is the meaning of stay blessed?

Well, as you probably know Catholics believe in god, and they believe that he blesses them - keeps them well and safe. So stay blessed means stay well and safe

What minister officiated at Rocky Marciano's wedding?

the famous pugilist was certainly a Roman Catholic. Therefore, to stay within the Church Law, a Catholic Priest would have to have performed the nuptial ceremony. There are now different types of Marriage rites, for example, as it is a separate Sacrament, it can be held without communion, whereas the Nuptial Mass was as the name implies a wedding integrated into a regulation Catholic Mass, with communion. By law , all catholics must be married by a Priest.

Who wanted the Bible to stay Latin Catholics or presidents?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe official Bible of the Church has always been in Latin since the fourth century, and still is today. However, most people today do not read Latin, and so buy a translation in their own language.

Why do Baptists hate Catholics?

Baptists do not hate Catholics. I have been in and around Baptist churches for 43 years, and even in the most conservative, fundamentalist congregations, I have never heard anyone say they hate Catholics or describe the Catholic laity in lurid, slanderous terms. However, there are Baptist congregations where the majority of the laity (and even the pastors) are former Catholics. The people in these congregations feel that the Catholic Church did not accurately teach them about God and salvation through Christ. Instead, they feel that the Catholic emphasis on sacraments and a supposedly infallible religious hierarchy to whom all humanity must blindly submit obscured the Gospel message that God saves those who turn to him in repentence and faith. These people may openly speak of their disappointment with the Church and their realization the Catholic hierarchy is not infallible and has deeply-entrenched theological and social problems. Many, many former Catholics have returned to the Christian faith through the Baptist chruch or other evangelical groups. In fact, there are single congregations in RI that have more converts from Catholicism than the entire American Catholic church has converts from all of Protestantism in the last 10 years. Catholics need to realize that criticism of their hierarchy and questioning of their dogmas - either on biblical or logical grounds - does not constitute hatred or bigotry against Catholics themselves, even if that criticism at times sounds heated. Since Catholics believe their religious authorities are infallible and represent God on earth, there is no way that another religious group could ever show enough respect for them to satisfy Catholic expectations. The truth is that most evangelical groups seek to emphasize what all Christians have in common and want to work together on social issues - although some fundamentalists (approx. 5% of the total evangelical population) are more separatistic. Fundamentalists and "Catholic apologists" should argue amongst themselves and stay out of the way of Christians who want to share Christ. It's worth noting that reactionary Catholic literature about Baptists and other groups often targets the laity themselves, making slanderous accusations and assailing the moral character of their opponents. Even the worst fundamentalist literature (such as Chick Tracts) NEVER assails the Catholic laity themselves. It's bizarre that people equate criticism of dogma/politics with "hate" for a whole people group, while they themselves attack others viciously.

Is the pope a 32 degree or 33 degree freemason?

The Catholic Church have over the centuries condemned freemasonry, even though many catholics are members. The church has condemned many things such as Condom use, contraceptives etc.. etc.. even Rotary International - however Catholics rarely take notice of such rules in todays times. Freemasonry is secret and unless a member divulges there status its likely to stay that way. While the pope undertakes certain Masonic gestures and signs, nobody has confirmed or denied his status as a 33 degree Freemason (or for that matter a 32 degree). The visual evidence points towards the fact that he most probably is a 33 degree Freemason, but its open to interpretation. Hardline Catholics would probably disagree though.