

Why do Celts have swords?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Why do Celts have swords?
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What did Celts use?


Did the Celts make living by by making swords and shields and armour?

Well I beleive that is Rhetoricle sir.

How did Celts make a living?

The Celts were primarily agricultural people, so they made a living through farming and animal husbandry. They grew crops such as barley, wheat, and oats, and raised livestock like cattle, sheep, and pigs. They also engaged in hunting, fishing, and gathering, and some Celts were skilled artisans and traded their crafts for goods.

Did the northern vikings use a crossbow?

Yes, but rarely. The Celts preferred close, hand to hand, and, ideally, one on one combat. Thus, swords, axes, and spears were the main weapons the Celts used. They saw killing an enemy from afar as cowardly and unjust, thus, bows and other ranged weapons were rare.

What tools and weapons did the Celts use?

The Celts used tools such as sickles, scythes, and flint knives for everyday activities like farming and hunting. They also used weapons like swords, spears, shields, and bows and arrows for battles and hunting. Metalworking was also an important skill, and they made weapons and tools from materials like iron and bronze.

Did the Celts have pencils?

The celts did not have pencils.

What Did The Celts Leave Behind?

The Celts left behind intricate artwork such as metalwork and jewelry, with designs featuring intricate patterns and symbolic motifs. They also left behind stone monuments such as dolmens and standing stones. The Celtic language and cultural influences have also endured in regions where they once thrived.

What illnesses did the Celts have?

did the celts have any illnesses

What tools did the british Celts use?

The British Celts used a variety of tools made from materials like stone, bone, and antler. These tools included items such as stone axes, chisels, knives, and scrapers for cutting and shaping materials, as well as weapons like swords, spears, and shields for hunting and warfare. Additionally, they also utilized tools for farming, such as plows and sickles.

Who were the leaders of the Celts?

The leader of the Celts was queen boudicca

When did the Celts come to Britain?

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Were the Picts Celts?

The picts (the painted people) were celts.