

Why do Doctors require Social Security numbers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The SSN is often used to verify insurance benefits. It is the main ID for any government sponsored insurance. It is also important for tax purposes, as medical expenses can be deductible from Federal Taxes and as to be validated.

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Who issues Social Security numbers?

The Social Security Administration issues Social Security numbers.

Social security numbers numeric values therefore social security is an example of?

Since social security numbers have numeric values, a social security number is an example of a qualitative variable.

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All or most companies require you to have a social security number to be hired.

In a spreadsheet what is social security number represented by?

Usually social security numbers are formatted as text, instead of numbers.

Is 784874 a Social Security Number?

No. Social Security numbers have nine digits.

Are rental investments considered income for social security?

They are income but they do not require you to pay social security on that income.

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Can anyone require a social security number?

No, not anyone can require a social security number.In most cases, the general public will never need your social security number, but if someone does, be suspicious. Usually, only government or bank forms (and other types of official forms) are the only things that should require your social security number.For example, the grocery store cashier cannot require your social security number because you are buying too many apples.

What state is my social security number from?

what state do social security numbers start with 455

Can someone find you through your social security number?

people can do almost ANYTHING if they have your social security number

Are social security numbers a couple numbers apart?

Social security numbers are given out in a sequence so your number could be a couple numbers apart from someone else's, especially a sibling.