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If it is your cat, cleaning out the box more often can help. Also, you can put some menthol or other cream under your nose to distract you.

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8y ago

It would seem that you just do. Some people can't stand the smell of other things.

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Q: Why do I feel sick when I smell cat litter?
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Can the smell of cat litter cause a miscarriage?

No, the smell of cat litter cannot cause a miscarriage.

Why does a cat recovering from surgery lay in the litter box?

It could be a comfort zone for the cat, or the cat is sick. Has it been acting sick?

Can the smell of cat urine make you sick?

It can, if you have a strong sense of smell.

Why is my cat Crying loudly not eating or drinking or even using his litter box?

it could be that your cat is sick or unhappy

What does it mean when your cat is sick and sleeps in the litter box?

Take him/her to the vets AS SOON AS YOU CAN!

What can one do with automatic cat litter boxes?

You can put cat litter in the litter box and allow your cat(s) and/or kitten(s) to use the litter box as their own personal toilet. Just don't forget to change the litter frequently or it will start to smell!

can people eat cat litter?

It is not suggested that you do. I don't even think it burns.

How will my cat's first litter feel about my cats second litter?

They wont care but you should still keep an eye out and observe!

What causes litter box smell?

They do stink (if you don't clean them). Especially covered litter boxes tend to stink less as the odor gets trapped inside. There are also self cleaning litter boxes, they tend to stink less as they automatically clean the litter after 20 seconds. The details of the litter boxes and a guide on how to maintain them are here:

Does cat sperm smell bad?

Cat is a feline specie which is very clean by nature and can get sick if exposed to unhygienic condition. Therefore their sperm does not smell bad.

Is it dangerous to breathe in the gases from a cat litter box?

it would get you very sick; so i say yes

Is there a reason for your cat having diarrhea and not going to the litter box?

They may be untrained or sick, take them to the vet